Research lines


Design of hardware systems for vibration analysis

Working with digital MEMS sensors, such as triaxial accelerometers, humidity and temperature sensors, microphones etc., hardware platforms based on microcontrollers and FPGAs are designed together with acquisition and processing libraries based on LabView. 


Design of sensorisation, monitoring and evaluation techniques for structures based on the paradigms of Modal Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. 

Optimal sensor placement, signal acquisition and pre-processing, parameterisation and classification of the state of the monitored structure.


Detection, localisation and classification of wood-destroying insects using acoustic cameras

Using hundreds of digital MEMS microphones, working at ultrasonic frequencies, activity in wood structures is detected for major insect families, such as Hylotrupes bajulus larvae. 


Development of methodologies for the assessment of the condition of wooden structural elements in the Spanish historical cultural heritage.

Assement methodologies based on visual inspections, thermography, resistography and ultrasound among others.


Monitoring and diagnosis of the health of wooden structures using low-cost dynamic techniques in the field of cultural heritage.


Monitoring and diagnosis of the health of structures in service (wooden footbridges, towers, facades, murals, etc.)